Sundays or ‘Domingos’ in Spain can be a tricky day for first-time visitors to the country. Our Totally Spain guide to a Typical Day in Spain gives some advice but to make it even easier, here’s our guide on what to do in Spain on Sundays, based on more than 20 years of designing custom trips here.
Tag Archives: Paella
What’s So Great About Valencia City?
Barcelona isn’t the only cool Spanish city on the Mediterranean. A little further down the coast, Valencia offers lots of style and charm as well as exceptional good value. Here at Totally Spain, we’ve been designing itineraries for the past 18 years and think Spain’s third city is a real must-see for the senses.
Symbols of Spain │ How to Include 20 Spanish Icons in Your Custom Trip
Want to understand and perhaps include some of the famous symbols of Spain in your next trip? Totally Spain has been designing custom itineraries here in Spain for almost two decades so take our insider advice and make your next holiday to Spain extra special!
Typical Day in Spain │ The Real Customs, Traditions & Rituals
At Totally Spain, we’ve been designing custom trips since the year 2000 & regularly advise clients on customs and traditions (and de-bunk the stereotypes too!) We’ve put together this guide to a typical day in Spain to help you better understand the Spanish way of life while travelling in Spain.
Totally Spain’s Guide to the Art of Gastronomy in Spain
Not only does food and drink taste amazingly good in Spain but it looks so enticing too! Gastronomic traditions are respected here and great thought often goes in to the appearance, ceremony and overall presentation of food. Catering professionals can spend years learning the necessary skills that we often take for granted so we thought we’d highlight just some of the artistry that we appreciate in Spanish Gastronomy and have been enjoying along with our clients since we set up Totally Spain in the year 2000.