Totally Spain Portugal Portuguese Lisbon vacation trip holiday

Why Totally Spain likes to Visit Portugal

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We’ve just re-visited Portugal over the Easter holidays and thought we’d share some of our Portuguese trip with you. It’s the fourth family holiday there in less than two years. We love it as a location for our own downtime and we also arrange many client trips from Spain into Portugal so I suppose you…

best driving routes in Spain

Driving Routes in Spain – 12 Road Trips

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Nothing says holidays more than a car, a suitcase, sunglasses, and the open road. And here in Spain, we have a wonderful road infrastructure including shiny new three-lane highways that get you out of the cities plus plenty of those romantic rural roads that snake around the mountain ridges and coastal cliffs when you want…

movies filmed in Spain

Movies Filmed in Spain – Locations Guide

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We’re no movie buffs but we know that great films, like all creative arts, can inspire. And so we bring you some of Spain’s stunning backdrops that you might have enjoyed on the silver screen plus a few more recent suggestions also. Some are obviously set in Spain but there are a few surprises in there…

paella lemon table Spain restaurant

Sharing Food in Spain -How to Get it Right

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If you only spend a day in Spain, you can’t help noticing how people love to share food. It’s so intrinsic to the dining experience that it’s built into the menus. But do you know what to share and how to share it in Spain? We’ve been designing custom itineraries in Spain and Portugal for two decades…

Fiestas ferias festivals vendimia September Spain Rioja

The Vibrancy of Spain in September

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September is a fantastic month to visit Spain. Not so hot, not so crowded and when much of the Northern hemisphere is switching on the heating and getting out the boots and sweaters, you are still able to enjoy a day out on the sea or a hike and picnic in the hills.