amazing spectacular finest squares Spanish Spain

Best Plazas in Spain – 12 Spectacular Squares

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If there’s one place we recommend our clients visit in every Spanish town, it’s the main square or plaza, often called the Plaza Mayor. Traditionally it’s where bullfights took place and it was often the location for outdoor foodmarkets and theatres too. Today it’s all about the café tables, the buzz, the people and the activities in the square.

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sherry wineries

Jerez | Sherry Wineries, Dancing Horses & Flamenco

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As a part-time travel writer, Angela Clarence has journeyed far and wide for glossy magazines and broadsheets. She spent 13 years working for Nobel Prize Winning Author Harold Pinter. She divides her time between southern Spain and southern England editing holistic non-fiction and writing a historical novel. In between chapters, Angela nipped over to Jerez for us to try some sherry, see the horses and watch some flamenco.

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